Safer Cities for Women
The planet knows currently the most numerous population with the highest rates of younger people in Africa and Asia. More than half of this world’s population — approximately 3.4 billion people — live in cities today. This number is projected to increase to 69 percent by 2050, at the same moment that we will be counting with the highest percentage of people above 65 years old.
The number of megacities keeps raising and so are inequalities and risks which are universally shared in different degrees in big and small cities.
Global crime rates jumped by about 30 percent between 1980 and 2000, and between 2002 and 2007, approximately 60 percent of urban residents in developing countries reported that they had been the victims of crime. Many of these are women and young girls, facing sexual assault or harassment on streets, public transport or in their own neighborhoods.
Citizens the world round describe poverty not only as lack of food and assets, BUT also as the powerlessness that stems from dependency on others, and the helplessness to protect themselves. Tranquility and safety is rated very high in any pool the world round. Women, children and the elderly are usually the main victims of violence.
Local authorities have a key role to play in developing policies that will prevent violence and protect victims. These roundtables aim at identifying successful practices. Share lessons from recent policy making and providing a global assessment on progress in this area.
The Round table will be organized in an interview format. Speakers will have 5 to 7 minutes for introductory remarks. Afterwards, speakers will address questions from the audience.
Framing questions:
What is the situation in your city? How high are crime rates?
What does it take for women to feel safe in a city? Is this sense different to men´s perception of safety?
Do you have any specific programme or policy you are applying?
Describe public services that have improved safety in your town?
How important is awareness raising and education? Who should be targeted?